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Our Missionaries


One of the stated purposes of Adelphos-USA is "to recruit, train, and supervise American brethren for partnering with Adelphos-Chile in both short-term as well as vocational missions outreach." 

As of September, 2020, God has helped us begin to fulfill this purpose!  We are praying "the Lord of the harvest that He send more labourers into His harvest." (Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2)

It is our privilege to walk alongside of their sending church in presenting these Adelphos-USA missionaries to you:

Jared and Kathleen Loucks

Pre-field Ministry heading to

Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

Sending Church:

Grace Baptist Church of Kennewick, WA

Their Testimony

We were both blessed to be raised in Christian homes.  I (Jared) grew up in Kennewick, Washington attending Grace Baptist Church and at the age of five received Christ's free gift of salvation. The following year I was baptized and joined the local body at Grace. Through much of my youth I wrestled with what God would do with my life, but at the age of 20, God placed foreign missions on my heart and mind with a focus on Paraguay.


Kathleen was also raised in a home that sought faithfulness in the local church!  She came to the understanding that Jesus did not have grandchildren and that she needed to be adopted into His family at the age of 14.  She then followed that with baptism and has since then faithfully sought the Lord into ministry for her King.  


We met at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa, and were married shortly after graduating in 2010. Our heart has always been for full-time service while God has worked out his perfect plan in our lives.  We, along with our 5 children, are excited about the adventure God has in store for us!  We invite you to join in the journey as we follow God's leading to Paraguay!


To donate to the Loucks, please use the PayPal button to the right.  Your donation is tax-deductible.

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Our Director's Recommendation for

the Loucks

You can contact Jared for information about their ministry or to schedule a meeting at 


1206 Coolidge Ave., Pekin IL United States 61554



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(309) 620-2217


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